part 1
official united nations trijunctionsall fully agreed de jure tripoints except as otherwise noted
country digraphs per decoding table
with directional suffixes e&w or n&s added as necessary
001 adesfre 1868 esfr marker 427 at portella blanca
002 adesfrw summit point of pic de medacorba marked by cairn
003 aeqasa hypothetical equidistant point in persian gulf at roughly 24n39 51e38 based on de facto boundary disputed by emirates locator map,+51.633333&sll=24.672602,51.496353&sspn=0.301372,0.441513&ie=UTF8&ll=25.015929,51.569824&spn=2.404116,3.532104&z=8
004 aeomsa tripoint at umm az zamul wells mostly agreed but not yet formally marked
005 afcnpk disputed by afghanistan & probably unmarked at unnamed peak in pamirs elev 5630m per ibs at roughly 37n02 74e34 per topo
downloadable topo showing tripoint at lower left
006 afcntj probably at unmarked ridge junction elev 5523m near summit of mt povalo shveykovskiy tho ibs seems to indicate summit & elev 5670m
downloadable topo showing tripoint at upper right
007 afirpk 1896 afgb marker 186 at kuh e malek siah summit but repudiated by afghanistan
durand commission photo
008 afirtm unmarked at thalweg in dry former bed of avulsed hari rud at zulfikar pass in alignment with remote pair of 1948 afsu reference markers numbered 1
downloadable topo
009 aftjuz on thalweg of amu darya possibly in alignment with remote pair of 1948 afsu reference markers numbered 107 over 1
010 aftmuz formerly on thalweg of amu darya but still within river channel after avulsion at remote pair of 1948 afsu reference markers numbered 91 over 2
downloadable topo
011 algrmk tripoint in lake prespa about 1300m ssw of golem island marked by westernmost of 12 new grmk buoys may also align with old algr & alyu buoys
photo topo
012 almers 1925 alyu marker numbered b28 over 4 at tromedja summit elev 2366m now in detached kosovo
photo topo
013 almkrs marked in 2008 as agreed with kosovo at mt serupa summit elev about 2100m by a replacement monument likely numbered 1
report & photo topo showing tripoint at or near former alyu marker d24
014 amazge soviet position likely still unmarked
015 amazire on thalweg of aras river in karabagh occupied area remotely monumented by a pair of 1957 irsu markers numbered 35
016 amazirw on thalweg of aras river at a ridge crossing that appears not to have been marked by the 1957 irsu demarcation
017 amaztr on thalweg of aras river marked remotely by a pair of 1926 sutr markers numbered 4
018 amgetr 1926 sutr marker 148 at unnamed summit
019 aocdcg indefinite cdcg in chiloango river meets aocd on its thalweg as it passes the low ridge bearing aocg & marked remotely by 1904 frpt pillar j
additional details
020 aocdzm on watershed divide probably marked by 1915 gbpt pillar 1 & or 1915 bept pillar 1 but possibly also 1934 begb pillar 46
additional details topo
021 aonazm marked by 1964 ptgb beacon 37 if not also 1931 gbza provisional beacon 9 along tree line on eastern edge of kwando flood plain
beacon consists of iron auger driven 140cm into ground covered by concrete slab & concrete block pillar 46cm in both height & diameter & may incorporate other markers & or additional numbers 1 & 32
022 arbocl probably unmarked if indeed ever visited at what is thought to be the more southerly of the twin summits of cerro zapaleri
best known try & photo
023 arbopy on thalweg of rio pilcomayo more likely in alignment with 1939 bopy pillars i&ii than as demarcated on 1940 arbo survey map if there is a difference
satpix showing potential discrepancy between the stipulated positions
024 arbrpy mismatched trijunction of arbr on thalweg of iguacu with brpy undefined in parana & arpy on parana median line witnessed by 3 matching obeliskoids
025 arbruy tripoint position on thalweg of rio uruguay opposite foot of isla brasileira is per 1927 arbr & 1961 aruy accords tho title to island is disputed by uruguay
photo of unilateral 1862 br witness minument number 13p brazilian sketch maps &
026 atchde hypothetical equidistant point in lake constance at roughly 47n32 9e34 rejected by austria locator map,+9.566667&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.626896,56.513672&ie=UTF8&ll=47.525084,9.691315&spn=0.223951,0.441513&z=11
027 atchit tripoint established at piz lad summit in 1919 has masonry marker in bedrock evidently dated 1920 tho 1924 atit & 1927 chit demarcations are known
028 atchlin atch & chli agreements indicate the mittelgerinnes or midline of the main sluiceway at the intersecting sight line of 1955 atli markers 135 & 136
029 atchlis summit of naafkopf marked whether formally or informally by cross
030 atczde at plockenstein summit remonumented 1993
031 atczsk probably at median junction in confluence of thaya & morava rivers based on precedent of 1928 atcs agreement
032 athusi elegant monument commemorating dates of treaty of trianon & the creation of all 3 constituent states appears to be early 1920s
033 athusk tripoint position as revised by 1947 cshu peace treaty transferring the antonienhof salient from hungary to czechoslovakia
034 atitsi position adjusted very slightly in 1924 at or near summit of forno aka ofen aka pec
035 azgeru tho probably still unmarked the soviet tripoint does not appear to be in doubt even as the exact alignment of the azru convergent remains uncertain
perhaps as refected by these conflicting downloadable topos &
036 azirtm hypothetical equidistant point in caspian sea at roughly 38n36 51e12 rejected by iran locator map,+51.20000&sll=38.634036,51.196289&sspn=4.144515,7.086182&ie=UTF8&ll=38.5997,51.196289&spn=4.146498,7.086182&z=7
037 azirtr at thalweg junction of aras & kara su in alignment with a remote pair of 1957 irsu markers numbered 1
038 azkzru hypothetical equidistant point in caspian sea at roughly 42n30 49e54 locator map,+49.90000&sll=44.308127,48.482666&sspn=7.593157,14.128418&ie=UTF8&z=7
039 azkztm hypothetical equidistant point in caspian sea at roughly 41n12 51e15 locator map,+51.25000&sll=44.253069,48.482666&sspn=3.800494,7.064209&ie=UTF8&ll=41.203456,51.251221&spn=3.99196,7.064209&z=7
040 bahrme yugoslav position possibly still unmarked about 2km north of dubravka & about 500m east of a road & likely at a high point on a ridge line
041 bahrrs yugoslav position probably on thalweg of sava at or very near confluence of lukavac but none of the available topos show the critical hrrs boundary
042 bamers yugoslav position likely still unmarked if not undefined is depicted variously on maps about 5km east of metaljka at roughly 43n32 19e13
best tho borderless topo typical yugo border mess
043 bdinmm possibly marked by 1894 or 1902 gb pillar number 1 at a ridge junction about half a mile south of reng tlang triangulation station
044 bedelu demarcated riverine condominial triline on west or right half of the river ours perpendicular to the center of the mouth of ribbach creek
045 bedenl octagonal obeliskoid monument & pavement demarcations of boundary quadrijunction may date respectively from 1830 & 1920
visitation report posted by international boundaries research unit photo
046 befrlu at median junction of the river chiers & bruehl creek in alignment with a remote pair of befr markers numbered 1
topo visitation report
047 bfbjne on median line of river mekrou at n11d54m15s e2d25m10s per 2005 icj decision tho no official instrument is known to describe the situation more exactly
neighborhood photo in the w of the niger national park
048 bfbjtg probably marked by a 1912 defr pillar at point 109 in roughly 11n00 0e55 as estimated on this satpic,+0.916667&ie=UTF8&ll=10.995204,0.920792&spn=0.040695,0.055189&t=h&z=14 neighborhood photo
049 bfcigh on thalweg
050 bfciml probably at thalweg junction
051 bfghtg on median ilne
052 bfmlne colonial position not fixed with certainty
053 bggrmk
054 bggrtr on median line of main channel near ceremonial monument on island
055 bgmkrs
056 bgrors at thalweg junction
057 bhqasa hypothetical maritime point
058 bicdrw at thalweg junction
059 bicdtz on indefinite median line of lake
060 birwtz at thalweg junction
061 bjneng on thalweg
062 bobrpe at median junction
063 bobrpy probably at thalweg junction
064 boclpe
065 brcope on thalweg
066 brcove on thalweg
067 brfrsr marked position disputed by suriname
068 brgysr marked position disputed by suriname
069 brgyve marked position disputed by venezuela
070 btcnine indefinite mcmahon line position disputed by china
071 btcninw indefinite position contested by china
072 bwnaza probably unmarked in normally dry stream bed
073 bwnazm at thalweg junction if not precluded by likewise hypothetical but unlisted bwnazw & nazmzw
074 bwzazw probably at median junction
075 bwzmzw on median line if not precluded by likewise hypothetical but unlisted bwnazw & nazmzw
076 byltlv
077 byltpl on median line
078 bylvru at median junction
079 byplua probably on median line or thalweg
080 byruua
081 bzgthn negotiated but still only hypothetical equidistant maritime point
082 bzgtmx marked but not fully agreed
083 cdcfcg on thalweg
084 cdcfsd
085 cdrwug probably unmarked summit point
086 cdsdug on watershed divide but not fixed with certainty
087 cdtzzm indeterminate but probably on median line of lake
088 cfcgcm on thalweg
089 cfcmtd on median line
090 cfsdtd probably on median line
091 cgcmga on thalweg if discernible or median line if not
092 chdefr on thalweg
093 chfrit possibly unmarked summit point
094 cignlr not fixed with certainty
095 cignml colonial position not fixed with certainty but probably on median line of stream
096 cmgagq
097 cmngtd unmarked on dry lake bed
098 cninmm indefinite mcmahon line position disputed by china
099 cninnpe probably unmarked summit point
100 cninnpw unmarked watershed trijunction contested by india
101 cninpk at or near karakoram pass de facto
102 cnkgkz probably unmarked summit point
103 cnkgtj probably unmarked summit point
104 cnkpru demarcated riverine condominial triline
105 cnkzru probably unmarked at ridge junction
106 cnlamm on thalweg
107 cnlavn
108 cnmnrue
109 cnmnruw probably unmarked summit point
110 coecpe disputed point on thalweg if not at thalweg junction
111 czdepl at median junction
112 czplsk
113 defrlu demarcated riverine condominial triline
114 djeret probably unmarked summit point
115 djerye hypothetical equidistant maritime point
116 djetso probably marked summit point
117 dzlyne probably unmarked on ridge
118 dzlytn
119 dzmamr unmarked on bank of wadi
120 dzmlmr unmarked
121 dzmlne colonial position not fixed with certainty
122 eelvru on median line
123 egiljo hypothetical equidistant maritime point
124 egjosa hypothetical equidistant maritime point
125 eglysd unmarked
126 eretsd probably on median line
127 etkesd not fixed with certainty
128 etkeso on thalweg
129 finoru
130 finose
131 gngwsn
132 gnlrsl marked in stream confluence
133 gnmlsn at unspecified point of stream intersecting crest line
134 gthnsv
135 hnnisve small tridominial area of shared internal waters within gulf
136 hnnisvw larger tridominial area straddling closing line of gulf & combining shared internal waters & territorial seas
137 hrhurs disputed position either on thalweg or in canal
138 hrhusi disputed position but probably on median line in either case
139 hritsi negotiated but not yet fully agreed maritime point
140 hurors
141 huroua probably at median junction
142 huskua on median line
143 idmysge hypothetical equidistant maritime point
144 idmysgw hypothetical equidistant maritime point
145 iljosy de facto buffered trijunction
146 illbsy de facto buffered trijunction
147 iqirtr
148 iqjosa position revised in 1984 possibly demarcated
149 iqjosy no known marker
150 iqkwsa
151 iqsytr at thalweg junction
152 kesdug fixed only approximately
153 ketzug in lake
154 kgkzuz soviet position at ridge junction later agreed but probably still unmarked
155 kgtjuz soviet position possibly still unmarked
156 khlath delimited but probably unmarked at pass on ridge
157 khlavn position agreed & demarcation projected
158 kztmuz soviet position probably still unmarked
159 lammth at thalweg junction
160 ltplru
161 lynedt unmarkable in shifting dunes
162 lysdtd
163 mdrouan on thalweg
164 mdrouas on thalweg
165 mlmrsn riparian point in confluence opposite median line of tributary
166 mwmztz disputed point on median line of lake or of river mouth
167 mwmzzm probably marked on watershed crest or summit yet possibly only provisional
168 mwtzzm
169 mzszzan
170 mzszzas at intersection of thalweg or median line with ridge
171 mzzazw probably at median junction of intermittent rivers
172 mzzmzw at thalweg junction
173 nengtd unmarked on dry lake bed
174 omsaye
175 plskua
176 rwtzug at thalweg junction
part 2
other probable trijunctions
miscellaneous mostly de facto tripoints with territorial or country codes improvised as needed & indicated
& numerical suffixes where directional suffixes would be impractical
177 abgeru abkhazia per soviet position at glaciated ridge junction
178 amaznk where karabagh held & rump azerbaijan meet armenia at an uncertain position in kalbajar rayon
179 azirnk where karabagh held & rump azerbaijan meet iran at the tripoint of zangelan & jabrayil rayons
180 cfsdss de jure south sudan with rump sudan westerly tripoint expected 2011
181 cygbkk1 kuzey kibris aka northern cyprus with cypus & westerly dhekelia in buffered trijunction
182 cygbkk2 easterly dhekelia buffered trijunction
183 cygbkk3 westerly ayios nikolaos buffered trijunction
184 cygbkk4 easterly ayios nikolaos buffered trijunction
185 dzehma the all but extinguished western sahara probability
186 eggzile formerly egilps or egilpse the major gaza probability at kerem sholom
187 eggzilw the lesser but still real gaza probability at the seacoast absent territorial seas
188 ethaso where rump somaliland aka hargeisa & rump somalia meet ethiopia at an uncertain position in togdheer region
189 etsdss de jure south sudan with rump sudan easterly tripoint expected 2011
190 geosrue easterly south ossetia per soviet position at ridge junction summit
191 geosruw westerly south ossetia per soviet position at ridge junction summit
192 iljowb1 formerly iljopsn the west bank corridor tripoint on upriver or actually western side of allenby bridge
193 iljowb2 formerly iljopss the west bank corridor tripoint on downriver or eastern side of allenby bridge
194 kdiqir where kurd held & rump iraq meet iran at the tripoint of diyala & wasit provinces
195 kdiqsy where kurd held & rump iraq meet syria at the tripoint of al baaj & sinjar districts of ninawa province
196 ksmers westerly kosovo & rump serbia tripoint with montenegro
197 ksmkrs easterly kosovo & rump serbia tripoint with macedonia
198 mdpdua1 westernmost pridnestrovie tripoint at soviet position on dneister thalweg
199 mdpdua2 northerly rump moldova exclave tripoint near vasilievca
200 mdpdua3 southerly rump moldova exclave tripoint near vasilievca
201 mdpdua4 southernmost pridnestrovie tripoint at soviet position on dniester thalweg
202 phtwvn hypothetical equidistant maritime tripoint between philippine taiwanese & vietnamese held spratly islands
t r i c o u n t r y
the revised iso coded official united nations tripoint registry & yearbook
as of 24 july 2009
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