Friday, May 8, 2009

2009 yearbook

t r i c o u n t r y
the revised 
iso coded 
official united nations trijunction registry 
& yearbook
is inordinately pleased to present herewith its 2009 edition

the impasse & debacle we experienced & reported last year 
beginning with the partial liberation of kosovo
& continuing with the partial liberations of abkhazia & south ossetia as well
were straws enough to break the backs of both our dromedary & bactrian camel
almost before our imaginary yet minuscule caravan could even get mounted

& this is not only poetic license but poetic justice too
in view of the descriptive & reportorial problems these liberations posed for us here
by producing 
from scratch & in our very face so to say
the first officially disunited nations & disunited nations tripoints 
aka gray tripoints
for us to have to add to the previously extant nonunited nations & nonunited nations tripoints 
which in contrast might be called white tripoints or blank or latent tripoints perhaps
& which we at the registry had somehow managed to ignore & swallow til then 
in cases like western sahara & the palestines etc 
in order to even be able to create the official global registry in the first place

& this new distinction which we have thus had to make between the old officially nonunited nations tripoints & the new officially disunited nations tripoints disregards & dishonors
as it were
not only both of these negative types but 
a fortiori 
the positively official united nations themselves 
with their own golden worldclass yet now doubly debased set of official tripoints 

for we find it is the united nations themselves who have been so irresponsible as to have produced all 3 of these distinct types of falsehoods now simultaneously
under the nominal but surreal to unreal turtle bay hegemony 

& all these developments or rather retardations 
but especially these latest setbacks
have made at best a travesty & a mockery of our ambitious program of comprehending & promulgating the 
176 & only 176 
officially golden united nations member trijunctions

& yet our great hopes for the registry were revived & reignited rather suddenly this week 
by a few extremely encouraging but otherwise perhaps little noticed internet offerings
so it is opportune to deliver our annual report just today

in washington & so presumably at turtle bay also
thanx to the pirates
a moderate position does appear to be emerging that embraces local defacto realities 

while in brussels
the socalled international community has been very publicly challenged & declared irresponsible for the current limbo of all defacto states of both the nonunited & the disunited persuasions
for which it alone is responsible
at an apparently 2nd annual congress devoted to
opening the world order to defacto states 

how did we ever miss that first one

appearing elsewhere but rather more widely in everyones land this week

so overall we are exceedingly gratified this spring to feel 
our everyonese ethos & global interplay at
t r i c o u n t r y
has not been in vain